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The Importance of Staying Hydrated

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

It is extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle through the hottest months of the year, and the best way to do that is by staying hydrated. Drinking water throughout the day feels like something everyone should know about and do, however, most people don’t...

Music Heals Too

Music Heals Too

A Note from Rich Stoneking: Music Heals Too Music has a way of worming into our brains, whether it’s a jingle you can’t forget or songs that really resound. Many of us know exactly which insurance company is “on your side”. I for one will never forget the theme song...

Preparation for Gardening: The Warm-Up

Preparation for Gardening: The Warm-Up

You wouldn’t play basketball or softball without warming up, so why would you garden without warming up. Gardening is a very physical activity requiring use of the entire body. Proper preparation is a key element in injury prevention. Spend 10 minutes doing a warm up....

How to Safely Use Heat and Ice Therapy

How to Safely Use Heat and Ice Therapy

Have you ever had an injury and applied heat and ice on and off to help relieve the pain? Well, there’s a good reason for that! Superficial heat and cold are probably the most commonly applied therapeutic modalities. When ice is applied, the temperature of the skin...

TV Watching Workouts

TV Watching Workouts

Everyone could benefit from a little exercise, but did you know you could do it while watching television? We have some great suggestions to keep you active during your down time. Get off the couch to change the channel. A great way to keep you moving is by placing...

Stay Active in the Winter with the Every Other Day Walking Program

Stay Active in the Winter with the Every Other Day Walking Program

It’s no secret that we all struggle finding the motivation to keep active when the weather gets cold. So, what do you do when it’s 30 degrees outside and warm and cozy in your own home? Here are some tips to get those legs moving! While most exercise programs have a...

Exercise and the Pain Response

Exercise and the Pain Response

Everyone has heard the saying "no pain, no gain." This may be true in healthy individuals when it pertains to muscle burn associated with exercise. We prefer however to say "no gain with pain." Be sure to differentiate between pain and delayed muscle "soreness." When...

Understanding Medical Benefits

Understanding Medical Benefits

Helping patient’s understand their insurance benefits is one of the best gifts we can give. This is not only important for patients who are in-network with our office, but maybe more so for those who have less than desirable coverage situations. Our feeling is that a...

Listen Up

Listen Up

The other day someone asked me how I felt about the mask wearing restrictions being relaxed in New Jersey, even though masks were still required in health care facilities like ours. My immediate response was, “It couldn’t have come fast enough!” During this Covid...

Crafting The Customer Experience

Crafting The Customer Experience

    What are the characteristics that exemplify a great customer experience for you? Is it the way the business made you feel? Is it the pleasantries of the staff, the welcoming feeling of the facility, the ease of accessing the services, or the way you felt...

Happy Feet

Happy Feet

P.T. professionals can help patients recover from plantar fasciitis   The pain can be agonizing. The causes varied. The impact, substantial. The condition? Plantar fasciitis. One of the primary symptoms of plantar fasciitis is pain to the bottom of the foot upon...